Applying Fertilisers
/Modern rotary spreaders are an essential piece of equipment for any Greenkeeper. So why do so many of us fail to maintain them and end up ruining their turf for the months ahead?
The problem is Iron. Lawn Sand and many fertilisers contain Iron which is generally included in formulations as Sulphate of Iron. This does a great job in blackening moss and greening up the turf but it will quickly rot your spreader and have you on the phone to us wanting a new one in no time at all.
A few simple steps will help you get the best from your spreader:
- Always clean the spreader after use - wash & dry if necessary
- Oil or grease metal parts to prevent rust
- Make sure the ‘gate’ on the hopper is moving freely
- Set the gate opening according to the material you are spreading
- Always fill the hopper off the Green to avoid spillage on the turf
- Start walking before you open the gate
- Close the gate before you stop walking
- If you do spill fertiliser on the turf Never kick it or try to spread it outwards. Always contain the spill by brushing it inwards and onto a shovel, getting it off the Green as quickly as possible
Remember fertilisers will burn if dropped in lumps on the Green. This will result in bare patches which will take months to repair.
Spreaders are available from Turfgear from as little as £49:00+vat with our most popular model costing £120:00+vat. Alternatively we can sell you one which costs closer to £500:00 but whichever one you choose it will only last as long as the maintenance you are prepared to give it.